Showing posts with label Storm Drains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Storm Drains. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2020

YUCK!! Cleaning out a TYPHOON Sized Storm Drain!

Storm Drains in Hong Kong are BIG

The storm drain outside our home has been covered with dense foliage for years - apparently many, many years.  So when the Government of Hong Kong sent a man to cut down all of the foliage, it came as a complete surprise to me to find out that our storm drain was completely blocked!  It looks like they haven't been cleaned out for maybe a decade.

There was debris one foot thick in the drain

This totally preventing any water from moving, and the resulting stagnant mess was very smelly and very foul-looking, so I (of course!) got to work with a shovel and a spade.

(The shovel didn't make it, but the spade did.)

Cleaning the drain took about an hour.  In the end it was very satisfying to look at the result of my labours, and watch the water slide along the newly cleaned channel, and out of sight.

I hope you like it too!